A turning point in the economy and politics

Value-based investing with a fine tradition

individual, independent, value-based


LOYS AG is an investment boutique, specialized in value-oriented equity investments with a proven conservative and anti-cyclical investment strategy.

Founded in 1995, LOYS today manages a volume of around one billion Euros at its locations in Frankfurt am Main, Oldenburg, Chicago and Zug - making it one of the most established investment boutiques in the German-speaking area.

LOYS AG has a long and convincing track record in the field of international equity funds and the owner-managed corporate structure ensures a maximum of independence and flexibility.

The investment philosophy of LOYS can be summarized in a single sentence: "LOYS invests in high quality companies that cost less than they are worth!"

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Fund prices

Private 25.03.2025 Prev. day
LOYS Global P € 30.65 € 30.47
LOYS Aktien Europa P € 40.81 € 40.48
LOYS Philosophie Bruns B € 331.80 € 329.84
LOYS Premium Dividende P € 43.01 € 42.75
LOYS Premium Deutschland P € 24.16 € 24.21
Institutional 25.03.2025 Prev. day
LOYS Global S € 1,182.33 € 1,175.58
LOYS Aktien Europa I € 928.39 € 920.85
LOYS Philosophie Bruns A € 379.97 € 377.71
LOYS Premium Dividende I € 452.43 € 449.67
LOYS Premium Deutschland I € 249.49 € 250.02
Other 25.03.2025 Prev. day
LOYS Global PAN € 24.53 € 24.39
LOYS Global ITN € 602.20 € 598.76
LOYS Aktien Europa ITN € 692.65 € 687.03
LOYS Premium Dividende ITN € 836.26 € 831.17
LOYS Premium Dividende PT € 49.63 € 49.32
LOYS Premium Deutschland ITN € 246.41 € 246.94